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  • Writer's picturedipika sachanandani

Rose Gold: The Overhyped Darling of the Color Wheel

Ah, rose gold. The color that practically screams, “I want to be unique just like everyone else!” It's the color that is the girl on the street dressing slutty or nude for attention. Whether it's make up or jewellery, the nude look is surely something we like today, it is simply real and raw. Perhaps it brings us close to the neutrality of our lives. At first glance, you might think, "Oh, how charming! A delicate blend of pink and gold." But let’s be real—rose gold is just the result of pink and gold getting drunk and making bad decisions.

Remember when every gadget, from smartphones to toasters, was suddenly dipped in this trendy hue? Back when I was in my first year of my bachelors degree, every phone color was desperately dipped in rose gold tints, from make up tints,jewelry and even dresses, it was the color of the season for a while. But this hangover soon wore off.

The feverish obsession with rose gold began to cool off around 2018, with the trend visibly declining by 2020. The peak of its popularity was spurred by Apple's release of the rose gold iPhone in 2015, which turned the color into a massive fad for a few years. However, like all trends, the novelty began to wear off, and people moved on to other hues and styles.​ (Diamond Heaven)​​ (JewelryTalk)​.

It's as if the entire world decided that looking like a rejected Barbie accessory was the height of sophistication. Let’s not forget the endless wave of rose gold jewelry. Nothing says "timeless elegance" like metal that looks like it’s been blushing from embarrassment.

Fashionistas will tell you rose gold is versatile and chic. But have you ever tried to match it with anything? It's like trying to find an outfit that complements your awkward cousin who insists on wearing neon green to your wedding. Spoiler: It doesn’t work.

From rose wine to jewelry that shines, our obsession with the color faded as soon as the year 2018 hit our lives, and newer pink nudes were more the color and Pinterest had something new to look at. Rose gold was so hyped that it went from the being the most desired and timeless color of the year to the one that was almost called out for its FOMO factor. How far the rose gold fever go is still a question many dwell upon today, it definitely created a buzz like no other.

Then there's the home decor. Pinterest boards everywhere are bursting with rose gold accents, because apparently, we all want our homes to look like an Instagram influencer’s filtered dreamscape. In a few years, these rose gold-plated objects will be relics of a bygone era, like lava lamps and shag carpets.

So, if you're considering jumping on the rose gold bandwagon, maybe take a moment to reflect. Do you want your style choices dictated by a fleeting trend that’s one step away from being the avocado toast of colors? Let’s leave rose gold where it belongs: in the land of overrated fads.

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